Pū Rākau App

Got you own set of Pū Rākau blocks or have you found a Pū Rākau Nui Atua? You can download the AR app for iphone or android for free anytime, search Pū Rākau on the app stores or use the links below



Did you know you don't need the blocks to use our Pū Rākau app? We do think it’s way better with the physical blocks as you can make the Atua interact and see more stories. But you can still get a lot of information and see the individual Atua animations with only the app.





Christmas Shipping

While we will be shipping products from now until the 24th Dec we can't guarantee orders shipped after the 17th Dec will make before Christmas. We'll only be taking a small break and will hit the ground running in the new year ready to get our amazing Paku products to you!